Eye Exam Saves Woman’s Life by Detecting Brain Tumor Early



Eye Exam

The majority of individuals don’t believe that a routine eye exam might save their lives. However, the truth is that a thorough eye exam can often identify much more than just eye problems.

This is one of the reasons that, even in the absence of symptoms or changes in vision, we at Eye Fashion Optical in Waco advise all of our patients to have yearly eye exams. Continue reading to learn how Katie Dunn’s life and vision were saved by a routine visit to the optometrist!

How an Eye Exam Saved Katie’s Life

Thirty-year-old beautician Katie Dunn went to her neighborhood eye doctor for a standard eye examination. The optometrist observed some irregularities in the back of her eye during the examination. He suggested that she get an MRI in light of these results.

A sizable tumor that had been expanding in her brain and putting pressure on her optic nerve was visible on the MRI scans. Katie is thankful to be doing well after undergoing radiation therapy and two surgeries to remove the tumor.

According to Katie’s physicians and surgeons, if the tumor had not been discovered, she might have lost all of her vision and experienced other possibly fatal health issues.

How Eye Exams Can Detect Other Health Problems

In order to have a better view of the back of your eyes during a thorough eye exam, your optometrist may use special dilating solutions to widen your pupils. This can assist in identifying a variety of issues, including brain cancers. A dilated eye examination might identify abnormalities in the blood vessels of the eyes, which are frequently brought on by brain tumors.

Other medical disorders including diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and, less frequently, some types of cancer can also be detected with the use of routine eye exams. Better results and faster therapy may result from early identification of these illnesses.

Eye Exams and Other Eye Care Services in Waco

We strongly advise you to give Eye Fashion Optical a call to make your regular appointment if it has been over a year since your last visit to the optometrist.

Don’t put off getting an eye checkup; it’s an essential aspect of preserving overall health and eye health. Give Waco’s Eye Fashion Optical a call right now!

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